How is GHOSTING could be worse than death?
“But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.” — Fox (The Little Prince)
Compare these two scenarios:
Scenario 1: You met someone, things are going well… suddenly, the person dies unexpectedly.
Scenario 2: You met someone, things are going well… suddenly, the person just left. The communication ended without any apparent reason or explanation of why they went away.
The first scenario symbolizes the death of a loved one. In an instant, they are gone, forever. No more physical bondings, sharing of stories, no more of that.
The second scenario is one of the most prominent happenings currently in modern-day communication called “ghosting”.
With the power of technology, we vastly improve the way we communicate. Before technology took place, our ancestors predominantly communicate using either of these two ways: physically talking to them or sending them paper letters. Now, we could instantly text, call, or video calls our peers anytime we want. However, having multiple mediums for communication also made us susceptible to ghosting.
Going back to the first scenario: The death of someone we know is often horrifying and tragic to us. We might not send our final goodbye to them but at least we know that we won’t be expecting anything from them again.
The second scenario implies that a ghost pretends as if nothing has happened between the two of you. The ghost acts like all time and effort never existed at all. They ignore all incoming messages like it’s nothing. Without a word, nor a trace, the person vanishes like a bubble.
Knowing that someone left us for some unknown reason leaves us questioning ourselves “why they did do that?” and “what did we do that made them do that?”.
A dead person doesn’t have a chance to talk to you while a ghost is someone who’s trying their best to avoid talking to you. It is comparing ‘not having a chance to say a final goodbye’ vs ‘not wanting to have a proper final goodbye’. A dead person is not lying or hiding anything about why they can’t talk to you, the ghost acts like they are dead.
Ghosting has become a common norm in today’s societal standards. People accepted that it’s a normal thing to do when it shouldn’t be.
Be responsible for who you tame. The person you ghosted might get heartbroken for life. If you are going to leave a mark or a scar on someone, make sure it’s a good one.